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Varices The causes The evolution

Phone/Fax: 0744.494.664 The consultations can only be programmed by phone, Monday to Friday from 10 to 18 hours.

Like any other disease which is not treated in dew time, the varicose disease of the inferior limbs it evolves. The development refers to the expansion of the varicose veins but also to the possibility of the occurance of complications.

The main types of complications of the varicose veins of the inferior limbs are:

  • the breaking of a varicose vein, which determines massive bleeding in most of the cases endangering the life of the patient
  • superficial venous thrombosis of varicose vein (thrombophlebittis) – the occurance of blood clots in the dilatated veins which become rough, painful and which determine the occurrence of a local, extremely unpleasant inflammatory reaction
  • disturbances of the skin, which imply a series of evolutive stages which begin with the occurance of a red-brown coloring of the skin and evolve up to the occurance of a very unpleasant itching sensation impossible to calm down and that of the leg ulcer (a wound which tends to extend) which is painful and very hard (sometimes impossible) to heal
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